Monday, January 14, 2008


I had a slight scare today at work.

I had just turned on a burner on the stove, and noticed unusually large amounts of smoke coming out from under the pot of water. So I turned off the burner and noticed the glow of flame still there, flickering away.

It looked as if part of the metal pipe had caught fire. My heart leaped into my throat and I thought for a second that the stove was going to blow up, even though I'm not really sure now if I was actually in any danger.

But the thought was there, and I panicked a little, pacing back and forth looking for something to put on the fire. Until the dishwasher, whom I refer to as Large Marge (something about her, her voice I think... every time I work with her I keep expecting her to turn to me and say, "Tell em' Large Marge sent ya!" and do that thing with her face, like in Pee Wee's Big Adventure.) simply sprayed water on it.

Thanks L. Marge.

The life of a Prep Cook is fraught with danger... every day.


So I just got back from band practice, and I'll admit I wasn't feeling it tonight, though we did kick out some jams.

We practice in my old house, the one I lived in for three years, the one I dramatically miss from time to time lately.

Life just seemed to make sense there, in that house, with those guys... Granted I spent most of my time playing video games and massively stoned up in my room. My fortress of Man-i-tude.

Its odd seeing it now. I almost wanted to walk into my old room and find my old set up there...

So I went to the bathroom instead. I didn't even have to go, I just wanted to see the old bathroom. The most spacious bathroom ever. You could fit a small sofa in there. We even had a chair in there, for no real reason, cuz that would be real awkward to have someone in there with you, just reading, in the chair, casually glancing up at you...

Is it odd to miss an old toilet you pooped on for three years?

It was a great toilet.

Flushed real nice, mostly, though it did have a slight run to it from time to time. Jiggle the handle kind of thing.

Also it froze over last year, during a particular nasty temperature drop. That wasn't very fun.

Maybe it wasn't such great toilet...

We did go through a lot in the time. Lot's of laughs, reading, good times... Ups and downs, we stuck with each other through thick and thin...

Ok. This is odd.

I saw the old cat, too. I used to be nice to that cat, up until the great worm incident of 2006.

I noticed something white and moving on the cat's butthole. And then I noticed white flakes everywhere. And then the fleas attacked... Now that I think of it, I'm not really sure why I was looking at the cat's butthole. But somehow I caught a very gross glimpse of the tortures to come.

I stopped letting them into my room after that, even though they would scratch and claw at the door all the time.

I wondered if it remembered me now, or if it just was craving attention.

That was a needy little cat.


I almost went out tonight, but half of me felt incredibly resistant thanks to the bitter cold and the snow currently falling...

and the other half of me is in avoidance mode, because of the chance happening of an awkward public encounter with someone. No real reason why, just not up for that tonight. Just have the heebie-jeebies like.

I know I shouldn't let either of these situations ruin a good night out. But I did have a nice weekend of a couple bar nights that were fun, inspirational, and quite drunken affairs, so I need a little break.

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