Sunday, January 6, 2008

Foggy Night, Foggy Head

The sublimation began sometime in the evening yesterday, and it was fantastic to walk around in, the world enshrouded in white mist. Perhaps I should become Gaius Weather Man, as my predictions totally came true. Sweet.


Roommate and I went out to The Bar last night for a few drinks. Despite the recent celebrations, new years, birthdays and such, I haven't found myself out at the bar to be out at the bar for the simple sake of the weekend in a long time.

She left after a couple drinks, and I found myself wanting to stay. In what was supposed to be just 'one more' beer, I found myself in good company, and suddenly people were buying me drinks, and well, hell, can't say no to that...

Also had my first awkward random public encounter with the (ex)Lady. I'll admit the moment I saw her enter the bar I allowed myself to get all flustered, and decided to be dramatic about it for a moment... after she had walked by without seeing me, I settled down some, realized what I was doing, and decided to stop behaving that way... This town is small enough, and its bound to happen again, and will happen again, and really, there was nothing to be dramatic about.

There you are. There you go. ok.

We exchanged pleasantries at one point, said hellos and goodbyes and all was well.

This did spark a long discussion with the table I was at about the nature of exes, specifically how suddenly our perceptions of people change, and how loaded that word is, ex... How we must dramatize it, which in some cases can be justified, especially if the person really screwed you over some... But even if its the most amicable of break ups, there's still some lingering power of sorts, you are now my ex, I must spite thee... etc...

Anyway, it prompted shots and cheers to the ones that got away, or we let go away, and suddenly I found myself quite inebriated and walked home through the fog, finally letting the dramatics take over, relishing in the drama of having seen you again, albeit briefly... And then I tried to imagine myself in some sort of pre-dawn of man era, before humans got smart (sort of) and started mucking stuff up with buildings and pollution, which for some reason I seem to think man's prehistory involved a lot of fog. Then I hoped, secretly, the fog would carry me away some how.

There was some sort of party going on in a house on my block, and for some reason I decided to just up and walk inside the party. It was probably 2:30 or so, and I was drunk, and decided it was a good idea. I recognized no one. Part of me just really wanted to see the inside of the house, to see how these folks lived, what kind of stuff they had... part of me wanted more booze, which luckily there was none to be found. I meandered out to the porch, and someone complimented me on my beard, and I left, because I think people knew I was a stranger in a strange land, some random, mutton chop wearing bearded weird dude come in off the street.

I got home and laughed to myself for my antics. And then ate doritos and passed out and slept til 1 in the afternoon, because I could, and I was hungover.


So I pretty much squandered this day off, but that's ok. That's what Sundays are for.

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