Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Winter Rains: Epilogue

All is quiet in the kitchen. Perhaps a little too quiet.

This is entirely ok.

A phone call confirmed that this episode has drawn to a close. The roof is supposedly fixed. The water on the floor has dried up. Our small collection of dishes have been thoroughly sanitized and cleaned. The microwave has reclaimed its rightful spot on the counter. We have begun to prepare our meals again on the counter top.

Sadly we lost one roll of paper towels that put up a miraculous, yet doomed, fight against the deluge. Nearly a full roll that sat directly under the first drips assault, that looked so sad and ultra absorbed, waterlogged to its cardboard heart. G. rung it out as if it were a real towel. Not to mention we lost a random deck of cards, my bag of coffee (newly purchased), coffee filters, and my box of Sleepy Time tea, which I'm sorry to see go.

Still, the damage could have been worse.

Landlord has been ultra apologetic, and very kind, offering us a reduction in our rent for this month, though G. and I are unsure as to what monetary value this whole affair amounts to. He left it up to us, and I immediately saw dollar signs flashing all around me.

We didn't technically lose that many material goods. Some cleanup time, some time spent watching in awe as water slowly tore our kitchen apart, and loss of the kitchen for a few days...

I'm thinking a hundred bucks off the rent seems reasonable enough. Though some people have suggested 150$, but I do actually like Landlord, despite his spacey demeanor. And we do have a good deal here...


Only a few more days of work, and then I am off for a brief respite at home for the holidays, of which I have mixed feelings about. Looking forward to getting out of town, and looking forward to seeing the family, but also not looking forward to it. I just kind of want to be done with the holiday season. To have nothing on the radar for a while.

Some days I just want to fall asleep until March, sleep for a good long while, and wake up to see sunlight again...


Tonight is my night off. Unlike the slew of dinner dates I had last week, this week has been quiet on the friend front. I'm tempted to go out tonight, but I'm feeling sort of lost about it.

It used to be that I could go out any random night of the week and find some sort of friend, or near-friend there at the bar... Now I'm not so sure. So many people have left this town lately... Dropping like flies... The sense of community has kind of dissolved, at least for me.

I also am having horrible, inexplicable, gas issues. Which, I guess at the bar I frequent in town here, is not exactly the worst smell one is likely to encounter...

I suppose I just don't have that desire anymore... It used to be so automatic, the "I need to go out" bug that afflicted me for a very long time. Just to go out and be out, alone in public, sitting at a bar... Maybe being in a relationship for so long has cured me of this. Maybe I'm not looking for something in the bar anymore...


Sorry, just kind of rambling.

I'll probably just settle for a glass of wine. Much, much cheaper than the bar.

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