Saturday, December 8, 2007

Lifting Spirts and Libations

I woke up with a devastating hang over today, the likes of which I have not experienced in quite some time. Though it was for a good cause. An impromptu celebration of my new roommate and I's cohabitation situation.

Somehow our small, merry gathering managed to lay waste to five and half bottles of wine, four cans of Guinness and two lowly cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon. Oh my aching head.

Our theme for the night was "We're 29 and we've accomplished nothing in life," in honor of our birthdays, just a day apart, an odd little coincidence.

I received perhaps the best birthday card I have gotten to date, even better then the two same exact cards my grandmother (bless her) sent me two years in a row.

A sticker that read, "My Ass Corn" on the front, and inside the card, one small, brown kernel of corn, stuck to the paper with brown paint. Sick, yes. Totally awesome, Yes. Oh, and a small handwritten "happy birthday" in the corner. Thank you S and B.


Things are shaping up.

First things first, an apology to T-go: I know I promised to send you that tube of German theater production posters you left in my possession oh so long ago when you moved to New York, and actually re-promised to send them upon your visit here back in September, but it might take a little while longer to return them to you.

Since the exodus, things were looking pretty sparse around here. The bare walls would just not do, especially with company coming over, so I hung most of them up around the place.

I particularly like the one of the red guy on a red horse, and the one of someone's legs underneath a kitchen table with one shoe on, and one shoe slightly off of her foot. Something about that poster that just speaks volumes to me.

but, uh, sorry. You will get them back one day, I re-re-promise.


But yes, things are shaping up...

I laughed today at work. A real, genuine laugh, a hearty guffaw, more than a chuckle... it kind of surprised me. I also talked to some coworkers I hadn't really talked to before. And I smiled at a customer, which really surprised me. I don't deal with customers very well. That's why they keep me in the basement.

But yes, things are returning to me, feelings, sensations. I actually thought about memories from my past, ones that made me happy, and I laughed to myself about them as I went about my day.

I've been stuck in this anxiety feedback loop for a little while now, constantly fretting about the future, and what I'm going to do with my life from this point forward. Not a fun place to be, stuck in my head.

But enough about that.

Today was a good day, despite my terrible hang over. That is all.

And tomorrow shall be better. It is my day off. Joy. After last night's debauchery, I shall power lounge tonight, and it shall continue well into tomorrow afternoon.

Things are shaping up.

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