Thursday, December 13, 2007


I think of all the seven deadly sins, my personal favorite, or at least the one I embody the most, is Sloth.

For one, I just like the word itself. It just rolls off the tongue, slowly, of course. It also just seems to sound like what it means.

I, for one, have had a most wonderful Sloth-filled day, because on this, my day off, I pretty accomplished absolutely nothing, and am currently procrastinating taking out the trash and recycling.


For my part, I did actually accomplish one task: Ending my ongoing battle with the most extreme forces of evil, yes, Satan, otherwise known as C o m c a s t.

The final battle concluded this afternoon, while I lazed in my Sloth, and eagerly awaited their technician to arrive at my abode sometime between the hours of 12:30 and 2:30, to pick up the dreaded cable box, that has lain dormant on the book shelf for a couple weeks now.

I've never been one to do much cable watching, except for about twice a year, usually when I go home to visit the parents who have quite an extensive cable set-up, not to mention a gianormous television upon which to watch it.

In fact, I do actually like to watch certain shows. Namely shows like Mega Disasters, which outlines all of the ways human civilization could possible end, or How its Made, or Rob and Big... What kills me most about the cable, despite the long hours spent watching moving after movie, wondering if just maybe, the next show will be cool and worth watching, is advertising.

Commercials. Endless barrage after barrage of snippet upon snippet of advertising. They literally drive me insane. They literally fill up space in my memory, in my brain, that at some point in my life could have been converted to something more useful like.

Thankfully the new roommate did not require this form of entertainment.

Sigh. Nothing spells the end of a relationship like canceling the cable...

The deed is done. Now, I'm pondering the magical delivery service known as Netflix. I can watch whatever shows I want at my leisure, all the episodes at once, and with no commercials. Plus, my Sloth needs can still be met, hence the fact these DVDs will come to me.

I'm just too lazy to sign up for it, yet.


And my string of food with friends continues, as a friend dropped by out of the blue to take me to lunch this afternoon. That's like four for four. Mayhaps I will just make a career out of this, going out to dine with people on a regular basis. Become a conversationalist. "My dinner with Gaius."

At least I did leave the house today.

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