Work has been utter mayhem. Busy upon busy, and extremely frustrating. I do not ask for help from my higher-ups very often, and sometimes they do condescend to lend a hand, but really, when I do ask for help, it means I really need it, and to not receive said help, and get attitude in return, kind of makes me really angry.
In return my attitude tends to drift towards the dark side of the force, and when things happen like my coworker putting sugar in recipes mistaking it for salt, well, I can't say I give all that much of a damn. It kind of made the dressings taste better in a weird way. I just hope no diabetics eat that stuff.
And I've known the new assistant manager for quite a long time. We actually lived together back in college, and he's been sort of peripheral friend that way. So when he gives me major attitude, and tends to have the opinion of me that I still don't know what I'm doing at this job, even though I've been doing it almost two years now, well, I say fuck you to that. His power hard-on is beginning to show, and its almost insulting.
Just leave me alone, or help me and actually help me when you say you will. I'll be sort of more pleasant to work with, and not ruminating over the endless ways I could destroy our shared place of employment.
I'm considering taking a hiatus from the ladies. (And I might actually mean it this time... maybe...). Parts of me are still broken. And its apparent in my emotional state. Which waivers from time to time to being insufferably weepy and wanting attention, to not wanting anything at all.
She's a great girl, lots of fun to hang out with. Could learn to handle her liquor better, but I guess that comes with age and alcoholism. But something is not right about it all. Its not clicking into place, and even if it did, I'm not sure I'd want it to.
And I heard a rumor about the ex. The one about quitting your job. Because I really hope you don't plan on coming back to the restaurant. Because I know you stopped by there the other day, and had been "kicking around the idea of picking up shifts here and there..." Let's just say I'll be really pissed off if you do.
Ahem. Oh, and great news. Snowflake is off the medication. Which means he's really hyper. And also mentioned he's planning on moving sometime in the near future. Which some of you may think is a great boon, but guess where one of his destinations is going to be?
And my latest internet addiction is taking over. I'll find myself cracking myself up all day long, thinking about some of the posts on this forum. I will also stay up really late, night after night, perusing the boards. I feel lame, and anti-social, yet strangely connected to this fascinating, obscene little world. I'd talk about it, but its against the rules. I'm already in danger.
And your random image for today, is Baby-Suit Man.

1 comment:
What Austin needs = you. What Austin doesn't need = Snowflake. Tell him everyone owns a gun down here. VERY DANGEROUS. STAY AWAY!!
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