Hello there. I'm Bob Ross. Do you like cauliflower? I'm today's random image. Nice to meet you!
I'm exhausted and I need a vacation. I seem to be stuck in endless, repetitive loops of bizarre emotions and my constant inability to get done any of the things I say I'm going to do. Instead I spend too many nights going out to the bars in hopes of summer fun and antics, stay up way too late and then barely sleep and sluggishly make my way through each day.
That and work is making me manic. Half of my shifts are a constant struggle with a massive workload that people seem unwilling to help me with. My "new" boss of sorts seems rather out of touch with the workload I have on a daily basis, and seems to consider my work ethic rather lackluster. This coming from the same person I've seen time and time again milk the clock over and over again.
Especially since we work the same job on the other half of my shifts which I constantly leave early on because there is little work to be done. I lose five hours a week on average, which I've almost been making up for on my first shifts, thanks to massive work loads and long days. He literally told me to "work slower. Pace yourself." Since when is this a viable solution, coming from someone who is now a manager?
I consider myself a patient person, but not when it comes to standing around and staring at walls at the work place. I'd much rather be somewhere else, or, in fact, busy with some kind of meaningful task at work.
I was also planning a trip down to Texas at the end of the month, but I think he's taking off that same week, and since he writes the schedule now, I may be out of luck, since he's the only one who can cover my first, extremely busy shifts...
Xerxes, a rather large dishwasher, and ex-alcoholic, came up to me the other day and asked if I liked drinking beer.
I laughed for a good five minutes. Silly, silly question.
He then offered me two, very warm cans of Bud Light he found in the back of a taxi cab that morning.
Not my first choice in beverages, but hey, its free, and I'll pretty much drink anything.
He doesn't like seeing anything go to waste, and I agree.
I drank them last night, but was sure to drink my good beer first, to mask the skunk flavor.
But I do so need a vacation. This routine I'm on isn't going to change by itself. I can't shake this rut.
Tomorrow is the Fourth of July. And I'm somewhat completely ambivalent. Fireworks never held much appeal for me. Nor am I especially patriotic or political for that matter. But I would like to witness a fine barbecue display, somewhere. I'm lacking on the summer activities still.
I'm dreading my phone lately. That's all I can muster on that subject.
Oh, and I owe some people some cd's in the mail, but am extremely lazy. Probably by next week, cuz my day off is tomorrow and Saturday, and the post office may be closed. Not sure about Saturday, but I'll do my best.
1 comment:
What, no happy trees or puffy clouds?
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