There's a coworker, who I will affectionately refer to as Snowflake, who recently moved closer into town, and decided he's my new best friend.
I mean, I tolerate the guy, and sometimes have decent conversations, and sometimes he helps me out with work and stuff, but overall I can only handle him in small doses, and he's upping the medication.
He's decided to infiltrate the The Bar, and even the other bar I sometimes go to on a somewhat regular basis. And even tonight he will be tagging along for a trip to everybody's favorite Monday night event, Goth night at the local dance place I never go to. I made the mistake of talking about it with another coworker, and suddenly, boom, there he is right behind me, chiming in.
"I'll see you there..."
I overheard him say the other day, "I always feel assured in going out because I know that (me) is going to be there."
Not to mention I've been cultivating a friendship with a certain lady at work who he has an immense hard-on for. And he's kinda sorta creepy about the girls he likes.
First of all, he hits on every single new girl... I mean, every new girl. Like crazy. And then he pulls the creepiest of creepiest moves, and memorizes their schedules. Like, actively finds the posted schedules and studies them in depth, and probably even grabs digits off of them. I cannot confirm the number getting, but I wouldn't put it past him.
So one night at the The Bar, my new lady friend (and I mean friend, doesn't seem to be heading in that direction) and I are chilling with some beers, and he pops in, sees her, and is glued to her side the entire night, trying to find an in to throw down some lame comment, and just hovers there, like a vulture, waiting for an opportunity to strike.
Its sad to watch.
So girl and I have decided to come up with a fail safe plot to destroy Snowflake. It must be done.
I'm pleased to announce that L. Marge has come back to work. She spent a few days drowning in booze, and then got into detox.
I was actually glad to see her back on her feet. Despite my love of booze, I do have the fear that one day its going to take over, and could potentially destroy me.
Oh yeah, so I'm heading to Goth night tonight, despite knowing full well Snowflake will be there. I figure its a big enough dance club I can escape his vulture-ish ways.
But man oh man, its going to be scary. Not like in the way that Goth people are all dark and evil looking. That shit doesn't get me. What scares me is that they really do buy into that stuff, and that's how they live their lives. And Goth chicks, oh man, they are nuts! I mean, even crazier than normal girl crazy. It could be a really fun night.
and for no reason, this image:

Its my new favorite.
1 comment:
Maybe you two can become bros and find some hotties and have sex in sandwiches. Just a thought.
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