I've been in a funk of sorts. A minor depression. A summer lull.
Nothing's particularly wrong. I just feel out of sorts. Very exhausted all day, and sort of weepy at night, about a general lack of intimacy, or closeness with people.
For probably a month now.
Even though I'm out and about with people all night at the bar.
But all of that turned, a week ago. The fourth of July will forever be remembered. Such a sweet day. S. and B. made me lunch, veggie burgers, macaroni salad (the best homemade stuff ever), and corn on the cob. We then went over to a local school and played on the playground equipment like seven year olds, and kicked a soccer ball around a big field. I ran around the field in quick bursts of speed, and I realized I couldn't remember the last time I ran, or played sports, or any sort of real physical activity. We climbed on the school's roof.
Then i took a sweet nap, and groggily made my way to the The Bar. There was someone there. Someone. Some one. One girl that I've known for probably 8 years, one of my first crushes ever in this town.
She used to come into the bar I worked at all the time, and would drink PBR and write in her notebook.
She is, of course, absolutely gorgeous. And has two of the best tattoos ever.
She asked me for my number, and we talked about life and stuff, while she waited for her beer. When she went back over to her table near the dartboards, I bit my knuckle, and thought, "Holy shit. She asked me to hang out."
Later I got asked to play darts, and stationed myself at her table, while I waited to throw. This plan worked wonderfully, except for when the ex walked up to me, and tried to have a conversation with me. Awkward. Luckily I had the darts to take me away. After that struggle, the crazy German man that haunts me at the bar now, tried to converse with me and the girl. After that onslaught, the dart game finished, friends went upstairs, I finally found myself alone with her.
We bought a six pack, and sat on the steps of my apartment, chatting and catching up. Then we went into my room to watch an episode of Battlestar Galactica, (she's a fan), and promptly fell asleep in my bed.
I made her coffee, and as I ground up the beans, my dumb ass forgot to put the cartridge that collects the grinds back on the machine. Coffee crumbs shot out all over me and the floor, and stove...
I'm swooning, majorly. I haven't felt something like this in a long, long time. It just feels like, after such a long journey, such a rough ride, I've finally come home.
She's bringing me a bag of chips.
This summer turned that day. And then the next night, hanging out at the The Bar, in walks Drue B@rremore, who is filming a movie in town. (She's headed to Austin soon. Get ready for it). I got asked to be an extra by her assistants. Then Drue told me I have sweet chops.
My mustache is out of control these days. But hey, it could possibly have landed me a role in a major motion picture. I don't even really care if I get in, I just want my mustache to be famous.
I called the number they gave me, and I kind of fumbled and it didn't go so well. I was given an email address and told to send in my resume.
Resume? Uh, ok. Have at it, its pretty bleak.
I haven't heard back yet. We'll see.
And last night, the rapper Fve walked into the The Bar. Celebrities abound. They will have seen my mustache in person.
Guess who else is in town? Jul1ette Louis, Fllen P@ige, and Zooey Deshin@L.
I'll admit I'm a little star struck. I should never have opened my big fat mouth at work. Cuz now everyone is giving me shit for it.

I bought this yesterday. It really comes with a little comb. Leonard now has the Rollie Fingers curl starting up. Its outstanding.
I miss those chips, too. They are the crunchiest, best on earth.
You know what, Joe? Unless you're planning to send me those chips, you better post something because every time I click over and see them...the hunger grows....
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