My brain has been all gooey for a while now. Too many late nights at the The Bar, though for good reasons.
I kind of let my hopes go up a little too high there, for a second. But its what I do when a seemingly magical girl pops up on the radar, someone I actually want to spend much of my time with comes along.
I'm still quite foolish when it comes to this business. After all these years, after this long broken year.
Things are good though.
Squid came up from Austin for some much needed R & R, so we took her out and get her properly drunk, as is our way. This led to many shenanigans, and some awkward time with ex, which actually wasn't that awkward. I think I've finally let go of dramatizing things when she's around. We did hang out three nights in a row, in a drunken situation, and no drama nor other conduct occurred. Just civil conversations.
Though, my god, my stomach is seriously in a state of despair, as always, due to one too many spirits.
Thursday, Leonard and I volunteered ourselves for a circus event as thrown by my favorite ladies of the local Burlesque troop that I'm quite fond of. Unfortunately I volunteered to run the
"games," which were quite low budget, and only about five people actually played the games, which were rigged anyway. I did wear my most favorite suit, and waxed the shit out of my moustache, and had a grand time playing a character of sorts, though I was anxious to get to drinking, and received several free drink tokens as payment. Score!
We pulled a Batman Friday evening. (Batman = leaving somewhere suddenly, and without saying goodbye, just like Batman does) Somehow in my stupor, I convinced the girl I've recently been smitten with to escape the confines of the The Bar, and we walked to my house
to talk and such. She surprised me first, asking me if it was ok to kiss, and my god, like I would say no.
Unfortunately shortly after our initial make-out, drunk friends walked by, and suddenly we found ourselves overrun with drunk people who promptly drank most of my beer. Then the roommate showed up in a terribly drunken state wearing a fine pair of adult diapers, with more people in tow, and we had ourselves quite a little party on our hands. Luckily we pulled our second Batman of the night and escaped to our room, girl and I, and promptly fell asleep listening to a sacred album.
Though it remains up in the air as to what's going on between us. She's in a bad situation with her ex, i.e. still living with him, and unable to jump into another relationship at the moment, which sort of complicates things, like when we kissed and such, so signals are somewhat perplexing to read right now.
I'm trying my best not to end up in the friend zone, yet remain supportive as a friend, and to not become the ultimate puppy dog in this situation, a role I've played before, one I don't quite like.
This stuff is never easy, is it?
Work is killing me again. I need a break. I'm thinking of hitting up Chicago next month. I haven't been there in quite sometime, and look forward to returning to some old haunts of mine. Plus oldest friends will be in town, one of which recently got back in touch with me, out of the blue and most welcome.
I'll try to update more, but gah, I don't know why, I'm sort of in a state of not getting much accomplished again. Music is low on the list, and I owe some people some Cd's I still have yet to mail, and with friends in town, and girls, as always, well, I've been distracted.
Of course, I'm pretty sure only one or two people actually read this thing anyway, so its pretty much like a private letter to the two of ya.
Oh, and she couldn't find those chips by the by. Slightly disappointed, but me thinks I know where I can get them, come August.
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