Good night sweet prince. I read in the paper the other day they are discontinuing Zima, "Zomething different." "The "Malt-ternative."
When I lived in Chicago, someone (who shall remain nameless) actually brought a six pack of Zima over to my apartment, during a party of some sort. No one touched them. Until about six months later when at the lowest depths of my depression and broke-ness, I drank them.
(I'd like to think that six pack was actually a couple years old, and just got passed from party to party over the course of two years, untouched.)
You will be missed... by high schoolers and underage drinkers everywhere.
Oh, this plague was quite a nasty one. I spent three days in utter delirium, hacking my lungs out. Then congested and coughing up goo for another week, and finally its subsiding, though I'm still prone to hacking fits. Really starting to think quitting the smoking is a great idea. But I'm just not ready for that.
Otherwise, its been a long couple of weeks.
I refuse to close the window in my room all the way, despite the recent plummeting temperatures. Just not ready for that either. Not ready to admit the end is near, that soon I shall fall into the depths of winter, and get the sad.

I recently fell into a foul mood, the kind usually produced by run-ins with people I do not want to see around. There's a few about town, and its inevitable, in a town this small. I tend to get down on myself for letting it affect me so, which makes it worse. But what can be done? I think I'm going to hermit myself soon, i.e. not going to the The Bar, or out in general.
But I do have other activities to fill my time. Working for the Burlesque company is the highlight of my week. Things with the band should get rolling again, after our brief homeless hiatus.
Uh. I guess that's about it.
Things at work are going pretty typically. I commented to a coworker that I haven't seen the boss around lately, and he responded with, "Didn't she tell you she was taking a two week vacation?" Nope. I just figured, since I see her less and less these days, she was just not working. Heh. But people don't tend to tell me anything, anyway. Communication is not our strong point.
I've been having bad dreams as of late. Not nightmares, or terrors, or anything like that, and not very often. Just dreams about past relationships. Not sure which are the worst ones, the ones where we are back together, and things are good again, or the other ones, in which we are back together, and things are horribly wrong. Either way, had one this morning, despite sleeping in and the bed being incredibly roasty and warm.
It is quite difficult to get out bed, these cold, frosty mornings.
1 comment:
Wear your Jesus horse shirt to sleep tonight...you will have sweet dreams of um...Jesus and horses. Never mind, I guess that would just be another nightmare.
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