My body is a road map of pain. After working a lovely seven day in a row stretch at work, upon my first day off, I woke up with a horribly scratchy throat, and found myself with terrible hacking fits, coughing up some nasty looking stuff.
The next day brought the chills, plugged up ears, and at night the dreaded night sweats. I went into work for an hour, and called it quits. Luckily it was a slow day.
I spent that day and the next in bed, or on the couch watching the Star Wars Trilogy. Yes, trilogy. (Those prequels still rub me the wrong way.) I drank hot toddies, orange juice, took weird Chinese herbal supplements, and slept. The whiskey didn't exactly work its magic like it used to, as I switched to the real cheap stuff, due to money constraints. Then I opted for the rum, which is actually quite tasty given the right kind of tea.
Hey. I like booze. No, really, its my friend's old man's trick to beating any illness. Then again, he was a total alcoholic. Anyways.
Last night i thought I had licked it, and actually felt great. The coughing stopped, the phlegm dried up, and I drank way too much wine to celebrate the victory.
This morning I coughed up goo for about ten minutes straight. And hacked up something fierce at work. (I was sanitary about it... head mostly in the garbage can)
Then off to burlesque practice, which, I gotta say, is totally sweet. I cut out some cardboard props last Monday, and this week learned to operate the sewing machine. I made a sash. I also burned paper to make it look old. It feels amazingly good to be doing something worthwhile, and creative and really fun. I have something else going on in my life. Plus the ladies are completely gorgeous, and really nice, which, is, pretty, cool.
Next week the band should be getting together again. We took a hiatus due to no practice space, and people being without homes.
Otherwise things are kind of quiet around here. I haven't been to the The Bar in over a week. This is a new record for me. Instead I putz around my house, and have been watching a lot of TV shows, mainly Dexter and Weeds, Weeds being my new favorite at the moment.
This sick boy needs some sleep.
I need your address again. Check your email
I just posted a video that I think will make you feel better.
FACT: The tshirt left Austin yesterday.
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