Remember when I said I'd be off doing something else, not thinking about girls? Yeah, well, that didn't happen.
I've been getting some disheartening texts lately. Law Four is almost declared.
Yesterday, the girl I've been so wrapped up in lately, decided to finally text me after a week of radio silence, to inform me she's back together with her recent ex. "Its real good..." Sigh. So much for that one. And she'll probably be at the show tonight, at the The Bar, so great, see ya then.
I also got asked out on a date recently. Which was kinda intriguing. I mean, how awesome is it when a girl asks me out? Totally awesome. I love when girls ask me out. Doesn't happen very often.
So I gave it a shot. She's a sweet girl, again, she's a young one. Some mildly awkward getting to know you conversation over a cup of tea. Then star gazing in a field. I can't say I felt major sparks going off, and its probably not a good idea to mention there's schizophrenia on both sides of your family, but honesty is always appreciated. I mean, girls are crazy enough as it is. But I'm not entirely sure if a second date is going to fly. And I'm still on the fence about the ring tone you chose for your phone. Bird calls? Could be considered cool by some... someone into watching birds perhaps, but I'm not sure I'm up for that kind of activity, unless maybe you could drink booze while doing it. Perhaps...
And just when I thought I couldn't lose anymore, the x decides to text me the dreaded news I've been waiting to hear... She will now be working back at the restaurant two days a week. So yeah, I'm this close to throwing my hands up, taking a knee, and just bowing out of the game for a while.
Like that will actually happen.
S.'s cat, Frankenstein, escaped last week. It was a major bummer, cuz S. is utterly attached to Franko. Distraught. I don't like seeing my friends that way. But thank the powers that be, cuz a week later, Sunday, Frankenstein came home.
I'm planning a vacation, finally. This time around I'll be heading Chicago way, to visit my old haunts, and see some good people. And then I'll be hanging with the family for a few days, which should be humerous, because they will get to meet Leonard in his full glory for the first time.
And I accidentally set my mustache on fire last night. Again. One of the scariest feelings in the world. Almost as bad as the feeling of realizing the water in the toilet is not going down, but the other direction.