Monday, October 8, 2007

P's and Q's And Climate Change

Is it just me, or is everyone i know on some kind of twisted wavelength, being tweaked like a spring, going through some kind of emotional, life-changing, pent up, beaten up, pressure-cooked change of some kind...?

Mayhaps its the 90 degree weather in this state, all week long, in October. For real. As i sweated in the kitchen (that has no, i repeat, no ventilation) i kept thinking in my delirious state, "God, i can't wait for the summer to end." Upon going outside for the umpteenth smoke break ( i take a few too many, then again, i don't really get a legitimate (according to labor laws) break, nor would i take one), i realized that it was, in fact, technically the start of the second week of October, which in these parts should be quite nasty, rainy, and cold. I have heard coworkers complaining that its too hot, which bothers me, simply cuz in about a months time they will be complaining that it is, in fact, simply, too cold. Much like when people step out of the freezer they say, "Golly gee, its cold in there."

No shit.

Get over it.

But really, people are tweaking lately. Real bad. And I am one of them.


An old friend walked me home from the bar. Both of us fairly buzzed thanks to A local Brew Company that has some quite stiff pints. i only had three, which is more than enough really. But still, even though this length of time has passed (i haven't seen him in months) it just felt like no time had passed, and his main problems were just like mine.

I'm so glad for friends like these.

Like that album that upon the first few listens didn't really quite do it, but after picking it up after a few months, it suddenly saves your soul...

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