I love this image sooo much.
Sigh. I'm totally busy. This is the most random thing in my life to complain about. Especially now that we've entered into the real game of winter, February.
Last night the B company had a show in our neighboring little sister town, the mighty Ypsi. The show went better than expected, I caught up with some old friends whom had since moved over to that town. Crossover on both sides is sorely missed. The town is just far enough away to make people groan about going back and forth. The struggle never ends.
After the show I got exceedingly drunk, and "full of love," a condition I refer to as "full of love" whenever I get super drunk, kinda touchy-feely in the hug sort of way, and proceed to tell everyone around me how "full of love" I am. I did this entirely most of New Year's Eve. I don't remember much from that night. Only a calm, peaceful resolve.
We had an after party at a certain band's practice space, which is simply amazing. I cannot describe the entire "compound," but it made me think twice about my somewhat loathing of Ypsi. I've just had some bad experiences there, that's all. Getting stuck at a stranger's house after witnessing a totally brutal Lesbian fight. (I am never going to fight a lesbian. Whoa. Harsh.), with a girl that wanted nothing to do with me, despite lesbian's insistance.
I had an immensely good time. Suddenly all my groaing and bitching about going to practice melted away, and it felt like it paid off. We did great. And in the next two weekends, I'll be performing four days. My act. In Detroit. I was hesistant about devoted that much time to stuff, but really, its a great thing. My motivations are shifting. This will keep me going through the winter.
Though I worry about my health. Last week I suffered from some sort of neck cramp, that is still not entirely done with me. four days of intense pain. I felt like a robot. Moving all mechanichly. A few unprescribed pills, and a very nice massage loosened things up, but damn, I'm getting old. I gotta start watching the posture.
Oh, and last night I stabbed my hand on a rusty nail, in the bed o' nails one of our performers uses in the show. Some bleeding, and I don't remember the last tetanus shot I got, so goddamn it, I gotta look into that now. I'm not too concerned, as it wasn't deep, and wiki's about diseases are horribly dangerous for the hypochondriac in me. It sort of reassured me. I also drank a lot of alcohol last night. So I think my whole body was fairly sanitized in that department.
I also got digits. Not to mention at the after party, I witnessed a very cool dog, suddenly pissing all over the place, at which I laughed at for a solid five minutes, and am still chuckling about to this very minute.
I also need to buy a new thong, maybe a gold or silver metallic one. I'm going to build a cardboard robot suit that I strip off for my next performance.
My life is so strange. I kinda love it.
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