Oh yes. Brilliant.
I am so utterly exhausted. I'm not quite sure if I've had a day off in the last three weeks. February just sort of exploded in my face. Which is so, so good for me. To be actually busy with things outside of work. Doing something with my spare time. Especially during the coldest, darkest month of the Michigan winter. Even March is deceptively cold, but still filled with promises to come, of Spring, and warmth, and the desire to live again.
I spent my last four days off, two weekends, in Detroit, performing with the b-company, at a certain art/photography/show/exhibition thing that goes on every year. And its all dedicated to sex. Its chock full of adventure, and agony, stress, drunkenness, debauchery, and shear, pure fun and excitement. I wrote all about it on the mustache blog on the myspace page.
Which means I haven't had a pure, holy day off to myself, on which I accomplish exactly nothing. Damn I love my leisure and lazy time. I'm very selfish about it. And to give up four, two weekends in a row? Wow, I'm hooked on the whole b-company thing.
I took off my clothes in front of about 8000 people. A picture of me in a thong was on the front page of a weekly entertainment magazine's website. My junk, all over the internets.
I'm chuckling to myself right now.
I'm amazed I'm still functioning right now. Sleep has not been a commodity. Nor sober time. I'm still managing to drink so much these days. But, not going to lie about it any longer, I drink every night of the week. An amount some would consider a lot. I've seen worse. Trust me.
It also doesn't encourage me, in the fact that I've recently begun hanging out with a lady, despite my attempts at not getting entangled in that sort of thing. So far its very chill, very cool, and I've been enjoying her company immensely. And also losing lots of sleep, on top of the exhaustion from performing.
Well, I do so enjoy taking off my clothing... in all sorts of manners. (Too cheesy to pass up). *Enter snooty laugh now.*
She also drinks as much as I do, which is a rare trait in a woman, one I find very appealing. I am a lush. Plus she's totally hot. And wants to make out with me. Also very appealing.
I'm planning on writing an essay, mostly about turning thirty, and the events surrounding it, loss of love, joining the troop, taking my clothes off, etc. To be published in a local zine, which, as much flak as they get, at least someone is doing something around here, trying to put stuff out there. And my writing bug has been acting up greatly lately, which is such a good thing. Despite the fact I haven't updated this blog thing for shit.
Which is why I was insistent on the deadline factor. When does this need to be done by? Because I need deadlines, otherwise I'm dust in the wind.
I also had a major breakthrough in this fantasy novel series I've had ideas about for years, but never did anything about it. I'm so close to actually taking the time to write shit down.
I'm almost a writer again!
Note - Please go see "Let the Right One in." Vampire movie, foreign, awesome. And pay attention.
Did I mention she watches Battlestar Galactica? And reads comic books and sci-fi. Doesn't get the Star Wars appeal, but at least she's watched them.
Well, the whole brain thing is shutting down. I have more to say, but cannot continue. Also, that other social connecting site, has completely taken over my soul. I cannot live without it now. This is scary.
1 comment:
1. Facebook is the most delicious, horrible drug.
2. Happy for you re: the lady thing.
3. Proud of you for getting the essay thing going.
4. Bring yer nekkid ass down here for a visit one of these days.
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