I think this was on Post Secret awhile back. I'm actually enjoying my job lately, which is always strange to say. And I also still pretend I'm on board the Enterprise often. Make it so!
I'm still recovering from my time in Detroit. Trying to regulate my system again, balancing work with being able to hang out in bars again. Also the drinking culminated in quite a bender this weekend, which apparently affected the whole town, as everyone I know got extremely wasted on Saturday. Something in the air I suppose. Mid-winter freakout. Ugh, this shit is so almost done, and I'm so done with it, the snow, the cold.
I had gotten home from work on Thursday, finally having reached my first full day off in three weeks, and promptly ate food and sat on the porch smoking. Suddenly this wave of good cheer came over me. I felt extremely good despite everything, the fatigue, and sat there so perplexed as to why I felt so damn good.
Half and hour I received the best and most puzzling text message ever. The number was Chicago in area code, though unknown on the caller id. The message read, "It's a boy!" The only person I knew was pregnant in that area was my sister. After checking my old cell phone for a possibility to the identity of the texter, I texted my brother asking if he got the same message. Then I freaked out realizing it was probably my brother-in-law, and that the baby came two weeks early.
I freaked out. Then got smart and called the number, and got the voicemail of my brother-in-law.
My nephew had been born.
I am quite extremely proud to introduce the birth of my first nephew, which makes me a drunkle, the eccentric odd black sheep of the family whose sole purpose is to spoil the little one with the things the parents deny them, to be the "cool" uncle for support, and I'm totally gonna corrupt that kid.
Lukas. Born two weeks early, but in fine, fine condition.
I wish the world he was born into was in better shape, but I guess that's something we all gotta work on.
I am so completely stoked about his birth.
I think I'm planning a Chicago trip for the end of March, to meet this lil' dude in person.
I guess that's all I got. Got the most sleep last night, though unrestful sleep with night sweats and freezing, plus odd feverish dreams concerning work and the Legend of Zelda. Bizarre.
Wanted to kill every one today, for no reason.