My robot has returned to life. Thanks to the ingenuity of the roommate's bo-hunk, who knows a thing or two about soldering wires. Thanks to you!
My life is somewhat busy these days. Its odd for me, with all my cherished laziness, to admit it. And while at times during the middle of the winter season I just really want to collapse in a heap in my awesome new bed (A birthday gift from the parents) and not leave the room for days on end, so far so go. I'm not actually feeling the winter blahs. There are things to occupy my time.
For one, I'm pleased to announce, I have finally factored the Public Library into my routine. I've had a library card for years on end, but have finally made it a point to get there once a week. And thus lovingly the library has kept me in movies, music and even an occasional book. And on my toes with each of those products having separate due dates.
I'm not nearly going out as much, which we call hibernation up here in the cold north. Though somehow the steady stream of old friends and old loves coming to town, nearly weekend after weekend has provided ample opportunity to drink entirely too much, as we are also prone to due in the cold north.
Hibernating, or hermit-ing. Its been pretty nice.
Musically, things have taken a turn for the worse. The band has ceased all operations since the drummer moved out of our old abode. I still miss that house, and frequently day dream about winning the lottery and purchasing said house. I guess its a minor break, though we all seem to have other projects keeping us just busy enough. I miss it though, and have finally picked up my accoustic again, despite breaking the strings and requiring new ones, which i will venture out today for.
Work has been tolerable, to a point. Lately the three of us in the basement, the ones that matter anyway, have been playing a sort of game of "new music," where we all try to bring in new and interesting music, and discuss it at length, and sometimes even find ourselves singing along to it.
The boss is constantly challenging me with new things to cook, and create, (i.e. dumping her work on me). And the O pr@h beast has reared its ugly head again, in the form of reruns, which inspired all hell breaking loose last weekend, and me making a metric shit ton of a certain product that is my responsibility. Thanks again, O great one. Despite the challenges, it is officially the slow season, so I'm kinda glad I have new things thrown my way, i.e. actual work to be done, rather then the clever "how the hell can I make this day last 8 hours" game, which is quite bothersome mid February.
The Troupe and I are doing well. Two shows coming up in the future, both on the road for the first time, in Detroit. One at a pornographic convention of sorts, and one at a punk rock collective. Both should be eye-opening experiences. And I will also be perforMAN-ing again, a little too soon than I expected, in Detroit of all places. Whoa. I foresee more sewing in my future.
And as for the future, well, who knows. There has been a potential offer of sorts, not quite officially on the table, but being formulated and thought about much on both ends. Yet another attempt of my friend down south, who may be looking for a new manager of sorts for a restaurant she runs, to get me to move down there... Though this potential proposition could be a good thing, it has some cons that might complicate the matter. More thinking is needed.
And I won't even go into the love life. Nothing but dust and cobwebs in that department. And that's just fine.
Things are good. Things are good.
1 comment:
YOU ARE MOVING HERE. How many times do I have to say it before it becomes truth? Kababalicious...Lovejoys...hanging out with me...Well, two of those should entice you, anyhow.
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