Riders of Brohan, what news from the mark?
I feel like complaining. So that's just what I'll do.
I guess my baggage is this: I'm a little tired after wading through shit for the last three years. I'd like something to be worthwhile, some glimmer of hope, some sort of Plan A action, where you have, in fact, have chosen me as a suitor.
I swear I'm good for it. That's what all the ex's tell me. How much of a nice guy I am, how I'll make someone so happy some day, how awesome I am.
I mean, fuck, I won't cheat on you. At all. I can pretty much only handle one lady at a time, if that, so don't worry, there will be no two timing.
And I think I'm learning these days, now that I've crossed the thirties threshold, and have been through some shit, how to talk about it all, openly and honestly.
I guess I just can't expect people who are roughly the same age as me to act accordingly. I'm not perfect, but damn. I keep thinking people will take me as openly and honestly as I take them. This is the lesson I will not learn.
I'm aggravated at the moment because I just don't know how to read you. I mean, we've been on five dates, so I'm not expecting marriage and babies and shit, but the clear signal just isn't coming through. There's the hot, then the cold, and the last text message I've received was both. I just didn't know how to respond, so I didn't.
Gotta stop trying to date in the middle of a Michigan winter. Every goes nuts in the winter.
But this is just when it happens for me. And this time, last night, i saw glimpses of "oh wow, this person is actually special. I think it could work..." And then I get excited, and then...
Then I think a lot. Sometimes too much. Which I've already been doing. But I think its coming from you, honestly. I'm ready for something real. And I'm better at reading the red flags, and actually trying to heed them, rather than blindingly blazing ahead. Which I tend to jump in too soon, but damn, hey, humanity, I'm not the first. Most people do. Otherwise we wouldn't have too many stupid Romantic comedies.
I really hate Rom Coms. More-so I hate people that actually think that's how love should be. Its fake! A fantasy!